Thanks for the great reviews !!
“I just watched an amazing feature documentary Willard’s Legends and Idols #legendsandidols
I am so uplifted by the artwork & talent in this film! The Rock stars inspiration
from Willard’s art was shown profoundly in their commissions of his work on their personal
instruments. A heartfelt journey of the artist Willard & his manifestations through his ups & downs as he realizes his visions with those who believe in his dream.” #legendsandidols #thebhfilmfest
–Didi Minto Stanton
“Woo hoo! Congratulations! I loved it! Had me glued to the screen! Very well done… The story so well told!”
–Eva Marie:
“I love this movie! It flows really nicely and paints a very real story of struggle, passion, triumph… The time-lapse of painting Jerry is great for Rock n Roll fans. And its a love story!”
–Adam Christiansen
“Willards Legends and Idols was insightful and entertaining and kept my interest! It gave us a real glimpse into the trials and tribulations of an artist behind the scenes.”
–Joe Rosignolo
“I liked the kaleidoscopic art style because it makes you think of psychedelia. Plus, it just looks cool, lol.”
– Mr. Mathis
“I loved it. Willard, Mark, and Jon all seem like cool guys. I was engaged the entire time!”
– Jake L., College Grad
“What makes me feel touched by the movie is the empathy and also the hard working feeling …
how he struggled but he still gives his best …also the ending where he was able to meet his idol, it really seems like a dream comes true!”
— College Senior
‘The Texture of Music’ by Amy Davenport: “This is an inspiring film that dives into the journey and struggle of a truly talented artist. With music as his muse, Willard creates energizing pieces of art that captures the heart and soul of rock n roll with texture and design. The film captures the struggles and triumphs as he remains true to himself and his artistic passion. This is definitely a must watch.”
“Legends and Idols, directed by Mark Knudson, platforms the life experiences and artwork of independent artist and painter, Willard Snow. This feature length documentary film gives credit to the immense amount of creativity, drive, and positive mindset that Willard implemented to get to where he is now in his life as a painter. Mark Knudson’s film style takes on a holistic view of Willard Snow, allowing for the audience to get to know Willard as more than just a painter who loves rock n’ roll, but as a multidimensional human being. Throughout the film, we are introduced to Willard’s partner — Irene, his adopted dog — Iso, as well as other artists and collaborators who all contribute toward working on his dreams of having an art gallery. Nonetheless, Willard inspires us all with more than just his work ethic and intricate, textured art work; he inspires us with his outlook on life, which focuses on his end goals rather than feeling overwhelmed by his obstacles. Legends and Idols is an inspiring take on how each of us can manifest our own destiny when we keep the right mindset and have trust in our own vision.” — Renee Roche
Willard, I loved the movie. I love you too, but I really really loved the movie. 🙂 It flows nice, paints a very real story of passion and struggle, but also one of triumph. —A Friend